Industry Spotlight: Commercial Websites
Commercial websites design and development is the perfect vocation for a curious person such as myself. One of the best things about this type of consulting is the chance to get to know all sorts of business owners and learn about all sorts of industries.
The discovery process, while fascinating for me, is also crucial for the success of any project. The conversations I have with client stakeholders and their users help me understand what they need to build, beyond what they think they need.
It’s a collaborative process, and my favorite part of just about any project.
Commercial Website Examples
Commercial Websites: The First Steps in Planning
Start with Your Users
As an advocate of User-Centered Design, I recommend starting with identification of your audience or audiences. Consider who needs your product or service; what they have in common; and how they will discover your website. Most importantly, try to pinpoint the user’s goal — what they want to get out of their visit to your site.
Define Your Goals
What do you seek to accomplish with the website? What do you want the visitor to do on your site? For example, purchase something, subscribe to a service, contact someone? Once you determine your goals, select the appropriate metrics critical for success of these goals.
Seek the Overlap
Look back over your target user’s goal, and find where that aligns with your own goals Make that your Call to Action.
Don’t Forget the User
From there, go on to consider requirements for content, design, features, and integrations. Throughout everything, keep your users’ in mind.